Press Release ILO169

By Gudrun

On Thursday 23 June 2022, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 169 (ILO169 for short) will become legally binding for the Federal Republic of Germany after its ratification in the German Bundestag one year ago.

MENSCHENRECHTE 3000 e.V. participated in the ILO169 Coordination Circle to bring about this ratification.

ILO169 protects the rights of indigenous peoples whose survival, cultures and languages are threatened by resource exploitation, oppression, climate change impacts and the murder of active environmental and human rights defenders.

For more details, see the press release.

2022-06-21_infoe_ILO 169 ENG_HR.pdf

For questions or interviews please contact

Günter Wippel, Tel. 0761 - 48 977 100 or 0162 - 822 87 17

Human Rights 3000 e.V., Freiburg